Fun runs have become the latest trend for competitive and casual runners alike. We’ve tried them all (or just about) and this week we participated in the Foam Glow 5km run out in Leduc, AB. Upon arrival we decked ourselves out with glow sticks and glow paint as the sun started setting behind us. Making our way towards the start line, the music was pumping and we were ready to run in almost complete darkness around the track guided solely by pylons and a few blacklights. There were a few “foam glow zones” scattered throughout the course but not nearly as many as what we expected. As we reached the finish line we were drawn like moths to the flashing lights and noise as we learned that the event was a Foam Glow After Party disguised as a run. With DJ’s blasting music under blacklights with a constant stream of foam pouring over the crowd, it was a run we will definitely be participating for years to come.