Letter boards, also known as felt boards are becoming more popular than ever as a customizable way to express ones self through quotes, milestones, or just about anything you want to say visually. These boards are beautiful and accent any home decor… however they can come with a heavy price tag as you can see on Letterfolk. A board similar to the one we have designed below can range from $125-140 not including shipping, and with that said the only thing customizable is the letters.

To reproduce this look you only need four things; a picture frame, foam core, felt (colour of your choice), and plastic letters. We found our frame at Michaels for sale at $15, foam core (free from our brother), felt for $5 at Fabricland, and lastly plastic letters for $15 online. So for $35 we were able to recreate our letter board the exact way we wanted, for 1/4 of the cost.

To start this project off we bought 0.5” helvetica plastic letters, so we knew to cut our feather board into 1cm strips wide and the width of the frame long. We repeated this step several times creating enough strips to cover the length of the frame with about 0.5cm in-between each piece of feather board (or about 5 gift cards) as we found very effective. We hot glue gunned the pieces down onto the backing of the frame and repeated this step until we reached the bottom. Next we grabbed our felt colour of choice (for this project we chose black) and using a ruler, or plastic card we scored the felt into place and moved our way down until the entire board was covered. Allow the felt to be longer “width wise” as well as a few extra inches “length wise” as the tucking of the felt will require more length than the frame length itself. While you score each piece into place, we used a few cards to hold the previous score in place. Once you get to the end of your board, trim the excess felt so it is flush with the board this way it will fit snug once you place the backing into the frame. Since the felt isn’t glued in, at any point you can change the colour of felt to match your mood. We have created another letter board  with purple felt and love it! That’s the best part about creating your own letter board, you can customize it whatever frame, felt, or letters styles you like, and did we mention at a quarter of the cost.


– Picture Frame
– Foam Core
– Felt (colour optional)
– Plastic Letters (we prefer to use 0.5”)


– Hot Glue Gun
– Cutting Mat
– Exacto Knife
– Pencil